Saturday, July 30, 2022


Worldwide Congressional Illuminism 

Some of us are summoned by the spirit of the ages, The light of Gnosis which is descent from antiquity. Synchronicity swings us towards our return, no matter the obstacles our center sparks stay the course. We do the Great Work and develop within our individual self a Knowing of Self, in our heart we feel a higher plan that is dependent on goodwill between the two sides, working to bring both light and dark forces into harmony & union for the Whole.

The Father of the Free Illuminist Movement, [Congressional Illuminism] is Tau Allen Greenfield, who is known to be a force of initiation for this Work. Its lineage is Gnostic and Apostolic succession, the Rite of Memphis-Misraim, including Michael Bertiaux's Points Chaud [Hot points,  pronounced (Pwa Show - (French) ] empowerments. 

We are aware Oannes [John] is one who transmits the [holy spirit "vital life force"] into those seekers ready to enter the Path. The Spirit of God [holy spirit "vital life force"] is also the transmission and graphic initiation that descends like a dove and lightning upon them if ready. 

We are seekers of Gnosis who peer through the AUTHENTIC TRADITION 
and ancient works from a radically spiritual point of view.